SAKAR - A Trusted Name for Waste Water Solutions
An oil skimmer is a mechanism that removes floating Oil from water or other liquid. The floating fluid adheres to skimming media, such as a belt, tube, rope, mop, or disk. The media then runs back to the machine to be wiped clean.
The use of skimmers in industrial applications is often required to remove oils, grease and fats prior to further treatment for environmental discharge compliance. By removing the top layer of oils, water stagnation, smell and unsightly surface scum can be reduced. Placed before an oily water treatment system an oil skimmer may give greater overall oil separation efficiency for improved discharge wastewater quality.
There are two main types of oil skimmer: oleophilic and non-oleophilic. Oleophilic skimmers include disc, belt, tube, brush, mop, brush, grooved disc, smooth drum, and grooved drum. Non-oleophilic skimmers include weir (manual or self-adjusting).
Oleophilic skimmers function by using an element such as a drum, disc, belt, rope or mop to which the oil adheres. The oil is wiped from the oleophilic surface and collected in a tank. As the oil is adhering to a collection surface the amount of water collected when oil is not present will be limited.
Non-oleophilic skimmers are distinguished by the component used to collect the oil. A metal disc, belt or drum is used in applications where an oleophilic material is inappropriate, such as in a hot alkaline aqueous parts washer. The skimmer is generally turned off whenever there is no oil to skim thus minimizing the amount of water collected. Metal skimming elements are nearly as efficient as oleophilic skimmers when oil is present.